Short Film // Directed by Koura Linda
Knowing that her world could end at any moment, a young woman living in the shadow of her past struggles to make a decision about her future.
This screenplay was originally written in 1 hour during the Silicone Valley International Film Festival's Scriptwriter Showdown in November 2022. The showdown featured selected writers who were given the prompt of "the world is ending tomorrow" and then given one hour to write a short film based around that theme. During this virtual event, the writers shared their screens in front of the audience, with their cameras on. Koura completed this script in that hour, and it won!
The screenplay was then polished and produced between
March 4-April 20 2023!
Official Selections:
(screenplay) Organization of Independent Filmmakers Legend Challenge - 2022
Organization of Independent Filmmakers Legend Challenge - 2023
Upcoming Screenings:
Best Music - OIF LEGEND 2023
(screenplay) Best Screenplay - Silicone Valley International Film Festival Scriptwriter Showdown 2022
Award Nominations:
Best Production Design - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Supporting Actor (Danilo Cunha) - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Supporting Actress (Eileen Antonescu) - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Editor - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Cinematography - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Lead Actor (Michael Friday) - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Lead Actress (Hannah Bender) - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Sound - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Story - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Director - OIF LEGEND 2023
Best Picture - OIF LEGEND 2023
CAST (in alphabetical order):
Brooke Kayla
Danilo Cunha
Diesel Bart Stevens
Eileen Antonescu
Hannah Bender
Hugo M. Rivera
Jay Bogdanowtsch
Joselyn Martinez
Live Hart
Michael Friday
Pang A. Thao
Koura Linda
Bryan Redhead
Joselyn Martinez
Alex Heffner
Heather Bender
Brooke Kayla
Santiago Orjuela
Carol Danner
Kenny Danner
Special Thanks:
Chris Bender
Heather Bender
Brooke Kayla
Ellan D. Friday
Kenny Danner
Carol Danner
Ryan Cota
Mac Smith
Rebecca Bruckenstein